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Agent (representative)
A person who is granted power of attorney.
read moreAkcie na majitele
Akcie na majitele (držitele, doručitele) je cenný papír potvrzující, že jeho majitel vložil určitý majetek - kapitál - do akciové společnosti.
Držitel je pro společnost anonymní. V zaknihované podobě se převádějí smlouvou a registrací podle Zákona o cenných papírech. V listinné podobě stačí jen …
read moreAnnual report
A document that informs on the company performance during the fiscal year.
The company's annual report provides information on its financial situation, business activities and financial results for the past financial year. Annual reports are required from the companies that have to submit their …
read moreARES
Access to Registers of Economic Subjects / Entities
An information system allowing a retrieval of information on economic entities registered in the Czech Republic. This system intermediates a display of data from particular registers of the state administration (called source registers) in whic…
read moreB
Legal person established in the Czech Republic, founded as a joint stock company, which
read moreBanking secrecy
All banking transactions and financial services of banks, including account balances and deposits are covered by banking secrecy.
Banking secrecy is the obligation on banks to maintain confidentiality of the above matters, if the client does not give consent to their disclosure. The law stipulat…
read moreBearer security
A security which does not bear the name of the holder.
For these securities, a change in holder is possible by simple handover of the security or through a transfer in accordance with the Securities Act. The advantage is the ease of trading on secondary markets. Bearer shares are always freely t…
read moreBusiness (entrepreneurial activities)
Systematic activities carried out by an entrepreneur independently, in his own name and on his own responsibility for profit.
- independence - the entrepreneur himself makes business decisions, is not subject to command of anyone else, is in no relationship of subordination, is not personally…
Business share
Participation of a partner in a company and the resulting rights and duties.
- Quantitative page - partner's share, can be defined in general
- Qualitative - rights and duties associated with the share, different for each company
- property ri…
Cenný papír na řad
Cenný papír, který se v listinné podobě převádí rubopisem (indosamentem) a předáním (tradicí). Práva spojená s tímto cenným papírem je oprávněn vykonávat ten, kdo cenný papír předloží a na jehož jméno byla listina vydána nebo jemuž svědčí nepřetržitá řada rubopisů. Tato osoba je považována i za maj…
read moreCenný papír na jméno
Listinný cenný papír, na němž je jméno první oprávněné osoby typicky uvedeno v textu listiny a práva spojená s ním, pokud jsou převoditelná, lze převádět pouze smlouvou o postoupení práv (cesí) a předáním listiny (nikoliv rubopisem).
read moreCentral credit register
The Central Credit Register (CCR) is an information system that pools information on the credit commitments of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, and facilitates the efficient exchange of this information between CCR participants.
CCR participants are all the banks and branches of fore…
read moreCertificated share
Share in the form of a document.
Share certificate is a security and should be protected against counterfeiting. Share certificate must also include the serial number and the signature of a member or members of the Board who are authorized to act on behalf of the company to the issue date. The d…
read moreCommercial Register
Commercial Register is a public list containing the statutory information concerning the business or organizational units of the companies for which it is required by law.
Commercial Register is kept by a court appointed by special law (commercial court).
Commercial Register is a public list …
read moreCompany registered office
The company registered office is the address of any company registered as a company seat in the Commercial Register.
In case of change of the company registered office, the change is effective only from the date of the entry in the Commercial Register.
read moreConcern - holding-type group
Concern arises as a formal grouping of autonomous entities, some of which are in spite of their legal personality subordinate to another subject so that the group acts as a centralized entity comprising a single organization and unity of management.
Concern is defined by Commercial Code § 66a, p…
read moreCooperative
Community of non-restricted number of people.
The cooperative is a community of non-restricted number of people which was founded for the purpose of securing business or social, economic or other needs of its members. (eg housing association, credit union).
read moreCzech National Bank (CNB)
Dematerialized (book-entry) share
Shares in the form of a record in an electronic centralized system.
Dematerialized shares must contain numeric designation in cases where the law so provides. This kind of security has no material form.
read moreDIČ = tax ID
Tax identification number of the taxpayer.
DIČ is a tax payer identification. Tax number consists of two letters identifying the country code and tax number. In the Czech Republic, the country code is CZ and the rest is identification number of a legal entity. DIČ indicates the identity of the t…
read moreDividend
The part of the profits of a joint stock company which is distributed among shareholders at the decision of the General Meeting.
For shareholders, it constitutes their income from the holding of shares. The amount of the dividend is determined by the General Meeting and expressed as an amount pe…
read moreDivision of the company
We can distinguish several ways of division of companies:
1) the formation of new companies - a company ceases to exist, its assets are transferred to the acquiring company and its shareholders become shareholders of the successor company (A canceled> formation of B and C) only the cancelled …
read moreE
Entrepreneur is a person who is authorized to carry out a business, or is registered in the Commercial Register.
Entrepreneur - according to the definition contained in § 2 of the Commercial Code. A business is defined as a systematic business activity conducted by an entrepreneur independently …
read moreEURIBOR
Euro interbank offered rate.
The rate at which a prime bank is willing to lend funds in euro to another prime bank. The EURIBOR is calculated daily for interbank deposits with a maturity of one week and one to 12 months as the average of the daily offer rates of a representative panel of prime b…
read moreEuropean company
European joint stock company.
SE is a joint stock company incorporated under the laws of the European Union. The legal regime for this company is multi-layered and resources come from the Regulation on the Statute of the company articles of association or the laws of a Member State. Methods of e…
read moreEuropean Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG)
Based on the Council Regulation No 2137/85 establishing a European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG). It is effective from 1 July 1989, with the exception of Articles 39, 41 and 42 which entered into force as from the entry into force of the Regulation. In the Czech Republic effective from 1 May 20…
read moreEuropen cooperative
Europen cooperative is the youngest trans-national form of business. The Europen cooperative in many respects follows the European society, which brings the concept of classical company. The mandatory requirement of European co-operative company is the appendix "SCE".
The basic principle of SCE …
read moreF
Financial Statements
The financial statements are set of financial reports compiled by an accounting entity for the accounting period, usually once a year, as of the last day of the accounting period.
These financial statements disclose the company performance during the given period.
read moreFirm
The firm is the name under which the company is incorporated and which therefore must be used in your business.
The term firm is commonly used as a synonym for the term enterprise or business company, although it may not always be the same (a physical person can possess a firm, if it is register…
read moreFusion
Mergers or fusions of companies (OS).
Legal effects of mergers occur on the date of entry into the Commercial Registry (OR).
- …
General Meeting of OJSC
The highest authority of the joint-stock company carrying out the most important decisions.
A body through which shareholder applies his rights. The General Meeting shall meet at intervals determined by the statutes, collective agreement or charter, at least once a year, up to six months after t…
read moreGeneral Meeting of the Ltd.
The General Meeting is the highest authorityof a Ltd. The
General Meeting decides in particular on conceptual issues and controls the other authorities. The shareholders exercise through the General Meeting their right to participate in governance of the Ltd. The General Meeting is the body of a…
read moreGeneral power of attorney
The power of attorney, which applies to all legal acts.
read moreH
Holding company
The parent or holding (owning) company.
The parent company is a company that stands on the top of a holding company and controls the subsidiaries.
The net holding is called a case where the sole scope of business of the parent company is the holding and management of ownership interests and c…
read moreI
International Bank Account Number.
The IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is an account number format defined in the ISO 13616 international standard. In 2007 this standard was aligned and harmonized with the European Standard EBS204 (pdf, 211 kB) issued by the ECBS (European Committee for…
read moreInterest
The interest is the monetary reward for lending money. The lender, who may temporarily lack some amount of money, lends this money to the debtor. In other words, a lender makes a loan to the debtor. To the agreed period, the loan amount - called the principal – must be returned along with the incre…
read moreInterest rate
The interest rate in the general scale of speech means the cost of money. The interest rate therefore represents a percent of the increase in the amount borrowed for a period of time. The interest rate determines how much of the principal must the debtor pay to the lender for pre-contractually stip…
read moreInvestment Company
An investment company is a legal entity whose scope of business is the collective investment.
Collective investment of and investment company is based on:
The investment c…
read moreInvestment Fund
A legal person whose scope of business is the collective investment.
Fund based on the same principles as a joint stock company, in the Czech Republic a fund collecting finances by issuing shares. Obtained finances are used to purchase securities, real estate, chattels, or save them to a special…
read moreJ
Joint Stock Company (OJSC)
The company, whose capital is divided into a determinate number of shares.
The property is divided equal parts - tradable shares. They are traded on the capital markets. Purchasing the shares a person becomes a shareholder in a joint stock company. Thus he obtains a part of the company's value a…
read moreJurisdiction
Jurisdiction (from the Latin words jus = law, dictio = statement) is an exercise of judicial or other authority over legal matters, or definition of who falls within its scope and girth.
Under Czech law, in determining which courts hear and decide a particular thing, the terms judicial or offici…
read moreL
Legal person
A legal person is a legal term that is used to indicate one of two types of legal entities.
A legal person is a legal term that, in addition to the term of a natural person (human being), is used to indicate one of two types of legal entities. Legal person has legal personality, ie capacity to h…
read moreLIBOR
The London Interbank Offered Rate is the average interest rate estimated by leading banks in London that they would be charged if borrowing from other banks.
read moreLimited liability company (LLC)
The simplest type of capital company.
It can have from 1 to 50 members. The minimum share capital is CZK 200,000, each shareholder may participate only by one deposit at minimum amount of CZK 20.000, - (10% of capital).
Shareholders are liable jointly and severally for the liabilities of the …
read moreLimited partnership
A company in which one or more partners liable for the obligations of the limited partnership to the amount of their unpaid contribution (limited partners) and one or more warrants their property (general partners).
read moreM
Managing director of the Ltd.
Statutory authority of a limited liability company.
Duties of the managing director are to provide proper management of mandatory records and bookkeeping, of a list of members and to inform the members about the company. The managing director may be a partner or another person appointed by a Gen…
read moreMemorandum of association
A document founding the business company.
In case of one founder the memorandum is replaced by the founder's deed.
read moreMutual Fund
A mutual fund is a collection of assets that belong to all owners of mutual fund shares, the shareholders, in proportion to shares owned.
Finances to the mutual fund are collected by an investment company. Mutual fund share is a security that represents a shareholder's share in the assets of a m…
read moreN
Natural person
A natural person in the field of law is usually an individual entrepreneur, self-employed person.
A natural person is the term used to describe one of the two types of legal entities, which must be distinguished from those in the usual meaning (people) from other types of persons that the law re…
read moreNominee director
The person to whom it is delegated management of offshore companies usually for the purpose of increasing anonymity and privacy.
The service of nominee director - an authorized agent - means providing of a person who performs legal acts for the company pursuant the instructions of the shareholde…
read moreNominee services
Nominee services are provided mainly for reasons of anonymity and privacy.
The principle of nominee services is to provide credible, respectable and trusted persons into the statutory and supervisory bodies. For a limited liability company a managing director is provided, for joint stock compani…
read moreNominee shareholder
Nominee shareholder or authorized, silent shareholder is the person in charge of the real owner of shares.
Nominee shareholder is a credible, proven person who contractually agrees that he gives up all shareholder rights and declares that he will only act in accordance with the instructions of r…
read moreO
Offshore company
Founded in the country in which the overall tax system is significantly more favorable than in the Czech Republic.
Offshore companies are companies that are based in a tax haven because of the anonymity or protection of property, tax optimization and efforts to reduce the tax burden.
read moreP
Podnikem se pro účely obchodního zákoníku rozumí soubor hmotných, jakož i osobních a nehmotných složek podnikání. K podniku náleží věci, práva a jiné majetkové hodnoty, které patří podnikateli a slouží k provozování podniku nebo vzhledem k své povaze mají tomuto účelu sloužit:
- složka hmotná (…
Poukázka na akcie
Cenný papír nahrazující dočasně akcii.
Cenný papír nahrazující akcii tehdy, když společnost zvyšovala základní kapitál upsáním nových akcií, upisovatel zcela splatil emisní kurs všech akcií, které upsal, ale zvýšení základního kapitálu ještě nebylo zapsáno do OR.
read morePower of attorney
1) The power of attorney is an unilateral act (usually in the form of a declaratory instrument), by which principal (represented) gives note to third parties that the authorized (representative) is authorized to act for him in particular matter.
2) The agreement, which is concluded between the p…
read morePower of attorney
1) The power of attorney is an unilateral act (usually in the form of a declaratory instrument), by which principal (represented) gives note to third parties that the authorized (representative) is authorized to act for him in particular matter.
2) The agreement, which is concluded between the p…
read morePRIBID
Prague Interbank Bid Rate shall mean the reference interest rate on the interbank deposit market calculated (fixed) by the calculation agent for the Czech Forex Club from the quotations of reference banks for the purchase of deposits (bid).
Founding and
read morePRIBOR
Prague Interbank Offered Rate shall mean the reference interest rate on the interbank deposit market calculated (fixed) by the calculation agent for the Czech Forex Club from the quotations of reference banks for the sale of deposits (offer).
read moreProxy
A person who is granted power of attorney.
read moreProxy
A person who is granted power of attorney.
read moreR
Ready-made company
Ready-made company - shell company or a shelf company is a company established for the purpose of sale to the final customer.
Ready-made company is registered in the Commercial Register, it has a name, registered office, agents, identification number and a fully paid-up share capital.
It has …
read moreRegistered security
A security bearing the name of the beneficiary.
Registered shares are issued in the name of a specific legal or natural persons. A type of security with regard to transferability. A registered security bears the name of the beneficiary. Transfer takes place through cession and the issuer must be…
read moreS
A legal claim of the holder against the obliged person.
A security is the bearer of a legal claim which it embodies, and is basically irreplaceable for the creation, existence, transfer and extinguishment thereof. Securities can be issued in a physical or book-entry (dematerialized) form. The te…
read moreShare
A security stating that the owner put a capital to the joint-stock company.
A security which gives shareholders the right to participate in the management of a joint stock company, in its profits and in the liquidation balance upon the dissolution of the company, and the pre-emptive right to new…
read moreShareholder
A shareholder is a person who participates in the share capital as and may exercise shareholder rights.
The shareholder of the company is the owner of shares to which are attached rights of the shareholder. According to its share of the total number of shares may be minority or majority. Greater…
read moreSmlouva o převodu zisku
Závazek převádět zisk může být sjednán jak v ovládací smlouvě, tak i samostatně – právním nástrojem je smlouva o převodu zisku - § 190a. Ovládaná osoba má z této smlouvy povinnost převádět zisk ovládající osobě, osoba ovládající má povinnost vyrovnat se každoročně s mimo stojícími společníky. Toto …
read moreSpolečenská smlouva
Dokument, kterým zakladatelé zakládají obchodní společnost.
V případě jediného zakladatele společenskou smlouvu nahrazuje zakladatelská listina.
read moreSpráva vkladů společnosti
Tento institut umožňuje převzetí vkladů pro obchodní společnost (OS) ještě před jejím vznikem.
Správcem vkladů může být buď některý ze zakladatelů (uvedeno v zakladatelském dokumentu) nebo banka (ta přijímá pouze peněžité vklady na základě smlouvy z bankou)
Povinnosti správce
- vyžadovat …
Statutory authority
The statutory body constituted by persons authorized to act on behalf of the legal person.
The statutory authority may be one person (for example, managing director of a limited company) or the team, such as the Board of joint stock companies or cooperatives.
read moreStock market
Legal entity authorized to organize at a designated location at a specified time and through authorized persons demand and supply of registered securities, investment instruments that are not securities, respectively other capital market instruments, to the extent permitted by § 2 of the Securities…
read moreSupervisory Board of the joint-stock company
The supervisory authority with supervisory powers.
Collective body, its membership is at least 3 and to be divisible by three of its elected chairman. Supervisory Board is incompatible with membership of the Board clerk or a person authorized to act on behalf of and Members are elected for a ter…
read moreT
Tax haven
Tax havens are the countries where there is both a lower level of tax burden on taxpayers and also a higher degree of privacy of business people.
Profits of foreign companies (offshore companies) are taxed only negligibly, dividends of these companies are not subject to tax. Companies with leade…
read moreTrade secret
Competitive valuable facts in running a business that are unknown to other competitors and entrepreneurs.
Trade secret is information of business, production or technical nature related to businesses that have actual or at least potential tangible or intangible value, which is not generally know…
read moreTrading company
Trading company is a private association of persons who join together for the purpose of business.
It is a legal person established for business purposes, ie for the purpose of continuing business activity in their own names and on their own responsibility for profit.
read moreTransformation of a company
Change of the legal form of the company.
Change from Ltd. to JCS and the like. The company does not cease nor its assets are transferred, but there is a change in the internal legal relations and legal status of its partners. Effects of changes occur on the date of incorporation in Commercial Re…
read moreU
Unauthorized business
Legal consequences of the fact that a person carries a business illegally:
- a person carries a business without authorization
- his/her business was forbidden (eg disqualification by judgment of the court, decision on suspending trade by Trade Office)
- although the person has a license to d…
Veřejná obchodní společnost
Sdružení nejméně 2 osob, založené výhradně za účelem podnikání jako právnická osoba (PO). PO, jejíž společníci ručí za její závazky solidárně. Společnost, kde min. 2 osoby podnikají pod společnou firmou a ručí solidárně a neomezeně.
read moreVirtual headquarters
Company Headquarters located at the virtual office.
The company seat is the address registered as a company seat in the Commercial Register.
Every company must have a seat but not always it is convenient or necessary to have a registered office at its own premises. For this reason, the servic…
read moreVklad do společnosti
Souhrn hodnot vkládaných do obchodní společnosti za účelem nabytí či zvýšení účasti v této společnosti.
Vklad může být:
- peněžitý
- nepeněžitý - je…