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Associations of unit owners (SVJ)
The association of unit owners (SVJ) is a legal entity providing management of buildings divided into legally separate parts (units) and relevant plot.
SVJ may not do business, it can only acquire property and dispose of it for the purposes of house and plot management.
The building is divided on the basis of the expression of the will of the building owner. The document on this division (declaration, agreement of the co-owners of the building or construction contract) is stored in the collection of documents of the Real Estate Cadastre. At the moment of division of the building, the units become a separate subject of rights. It is possible to handle them separately and alienate them (transfer them to another person).
Establishment of SVJ
There is no legal obligation to establish a SVJ. The founders establish the SVJ on the basis of voluntary legal action by approving the statutes, which take the form of a public deed, ie a notarial deed. The establishment of SVJ dates to the date of its entry in the public register.
Statutes of SVJ
The statutes of a SVJ contain:
- Name containing the term "Association of unit owners " and the designation of the house for which it was established
- Seat, in the house for which the community of owners was established, or elsewhere
- Membership rights and obligations of homeowners and how to exercise them
- Designation of bodies, their powers, number of members and their term of office, method of convening, acting and resolutions
- Appointment of the first members of the statutory bodies
- House and land management rules and rules for the use of common parts
- Rules for creating a budget, for contributions to the administration of the house and the method of determining how much the individual owners will pay
SVJ bodies and meetings
The statutory body of SVJ is the committee. The statutes may also stipulate that the statutory body is the chairman of the owners' association. According to the statutes, the SVJ may establish other bodies, which, however, do not have the competence reserved for the meeting of owners or for the statutory body.
The highest body of the SVJ is the assembly. The Assembly consists of all the owners of the units and each of them has a number of votes, which corresponds to the size of its share in the common parts. The assembly is eligible for a resolution if the unit owners, who have a majority of votes, are present. Unit owners may make decisions outside the meeting in writing or by technical means (electronically), if permitted by the statutes.
The statutory body convenes the meeting at least once a year. It may also convene an assembly at the request of unit owners who have more than a quarter of all votes.
Ourcompany Valian.cz will professionally arrange the following matters for your SVJ:
- Establishment of a new SVJ and its entry in the Commercial Register
- Changes, updates and modifications to the statutes of the existing community of unit owners
- Election and registration of new SVJ bodies
- Registration of your SVJ at the tax office, health insurance company and social security administration
- Bookkeeping and payroll for SVJ
- Tax and legal advice for SVJ
- Cancellation and liquidation of SVJ
Establishment of a tailor-made SVJ
Valian.cz will set up your SVJ for you professionally and quickly without unnecessary paperwork and delays. We will tailor the statutes of SVJ for you and arrange other necessary administrative requisites.
Update of the statutes of SVJ in compliance of the Act on Business Corporations
All associations of unit owners are obliged to adapt their statutes to the relevant provisions of the Act on Business Corporations. If your statutes have not yet passed this update, do not hesitate to contact us and our company Valian.cz will be happy to prepare a proposal for new updated statutes for you.
We will also process the election of new SVJ bodies and their entry in the public register as well as other necessary changes required within your SVJ.